Covenant Groups

A different way of doing church

The Covenant Group program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth. A group usually consists of 8-10 members who meet at each others’ homes, in-person at our church, or via zoom usually once every two weeks. Each meeting is focused on a spiritual or religious topic. The goals are to:

Listen and be listened to in a safe place

Learn about the mysteries of our world and our spiritual paths

Build new and deeper personal connections

Serve our community and the needs of one another

Maintain personal connections and a caring community

Each group has a facilitator who links the group to the SGM steering committee and the minister. The steering committee and minister provide overall guidance, recruit new members and establish new groups, and develop session plans. The Steering Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month while the church is in session.

Goals of Covenant Groups

The Covenant Group program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth. This is done through five components:

How do Covenant Groups work?

Ministry happens in the meetings, which focus on spiritual or religious topics through a process of deep listening and service projects. Topics that may be shared during meetings include sacred places, perfection, mothers, community, living simply, music, and healing. Groups choose their own order, direction, and pace. Service projects are expected from each group once a year. In general, projects tend to be ones that serve the church community or the local community, but they can be larger projects that reach beyond our church community.

What is expected of members?

Group members are expected to commit to regular meeting times and to practice deep listening. Deep listening is a way of focusing intently on what another person is saying without interruption or simultaneously formulating a response. Deep listening also gives an individual an opportunity to speak without interruption or comment.

What are Covenant Group sessions like?

UUSP Covenant Groups

Monday Groups

2nd & 4th Monday Covenant Group (11 participants) (2nd Monday 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Monthly topic from Soul Matters - at the Church / 4th Monday 5:30 - 7:00 pm at a local restaurant for casual conversation)

4th Monday Covenant Group (8 participants) (4th Monday at 4 pm - 5:30 pm): We use the Soul Matters Small group curriculum as a way to get to know each other at a deeper level

Tuesday Groups

2nd Tuesday Covenant Group (9 participants) (2nd Tuesday in Gulfport: 6 pm social time, 6:30 session starts)

3rd Tuesday Covenant Group (10 participants) (3rd Tuesday at 4 pm at the Church)

Wednesday Groups

Snowbird Covenant Group (open to all) (will begin again later in Fall, weekly on Wednesdays at 2 - 3:30 pm at Church)

Saturday Groups

Family Matters (8 participants) (4th Saturday at 3pm at the Church) Potluck where 4+ must sign up the week before. Themes given in confirmation email.

Sunday Groups

3rd Sunday Covenant Group (8 participants) We have openings (3rd Sunday at 1 - 3 pm at UUSP)

Contact us!

If you have any questions or comments, please click the button below to send our staff a quick message!

You're also welcome to call us at 

(727) 898-3294